Yahoo Mail Sign up: Beginners Guide for Yahoomail – YAHOO COM


Emails have progresed and taken over the communication world. Emails are used for communication purposes especially for official purposes. With over 50 email servcies, yahoo mail is ranked the fourth best email service. creating a new Yahoo mail is refered to as sign up Yahoo Mail whereas, to login to an already exisiting yahoo account is refered to as Yahoo mail sign in or login. Unlike other email accounts, Yahoo mail sign up is very complicated and must be dutifully and carefully followed.  This article exposes the steps to be taken when signing up or signing on to a yahoo mail account.

Requirements in Yahoomail Sign Up:

In order to create a new Yahoo mail (in other words, Sign up Yahoo Mail) some basic information would be needed. Some of the information needed to succesfully create a new Yahoo mail account are as follows;

  • Full Name : Surname, midde name and last name.
  • Date of birth
  • Sex
  • Age
  • An active phone number for verification.
  • An optional email address if any (as stated, this is optional).
  • An active and trustable network service

Yahoomail Sign Up Step by Step Guide Using a Mobile Browser or Web Browser

Here are some are basic important facts to note before creating a new Yahoo mail account (Yahoo Mail Sign Up). See facts below:

Fact one: Yahoo Mail has an official email website address which is accessable in all browers.

Fact two: Yahoo Mail can be used for both social and official duties for instance; chatting, reading of news etc. Yahoo Mail has a mobile app which can be downloaded from a google play store or apple store.

Fact three: Yahoo mail services are free however, to unlock new updated features one needs to pay a certain fee to access and enjoy the exclusive packages.

Fact four: Yahoo mail could be used to access multiple social media and micro blogging websites like the tumblir.


Step one:  From the homepage on any internet broswer of your choice, go the official the yahoo mail website. or click here

Step two: Click on the box with the inscription ‘create an account’.

Step three: Write out your full name in the provided column: First name and last name.

Step four: Select a yahoo mail account username of your choice. or select from the options that would be shown to you as generated automatically on the Yahoo website.

Note: If your desired username is not available you wont be able to proceed with your regisration.

Step five: Create a strong password that would be easy to remember and access.

NOTE: In creating a password while registering a yahoo mail account the follwing rules should always be remembered:

  • Do not make use of any form of your name, nickname, mother or father’s name, name initials, your name spelled backwadly or any of your relatives names (some smart hackers can easily figure this out and gain access to your email which is very risky).
  • Aviod using any number as your choose of password, whether security numer, phone number etc ( some smart hackers can easily figure this out and gain access to your email which is very risky).
  • Try not to make use of significant dates for example, your birth date, your wedding aniversary date etc. (some smart hackers can easily figure this out and gain access to your email which is very risky).
  • Do not use a single password for all your email address or  social media accounts.
  • A strong password must have at most eight characters, which should include the mix up of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols (password with these properties are difficult to crack).
  • Do not use a simple name or an acronmyn of a word or name.
  • You can employ the work or a password manager or write down the password in a safe space.
  • It is neccessary to update your password regularly for security purposes.

Step six: Click on contuine.

Step seven: You would be asked to input a recovery mobile number and would be asked to click on ”send code” which agrees to allowing your mobile and email to be used by yahoo mail to deliver relevant content and ads across to you.

Step eight: A verification code (one-time-password {otp}) would be sent to the mobile number you inputed. Write it out in the box provided for you. Click  on ‘done’ to be transfered to your yahoo mail account.

Congratulations! you have been successful in your yahoo mail sign up process.

Yahoo Mail Registeration Using the Yahoo Mail App

Just like signing up Yahoo Mail Using Browsers, Yahoo mail can be created by downloading the Yahoomail app through your phone stores; Play store for android, apple store for iphone or iOS etc.

The steps to creating a new Yahoo mail account is quite very similar with the steps to creating with using the app. All one needs to do is have; a functional and internet enabled device (android, iOS, Windows etc).

Navigate to the store of your device (Playstore, Apple Store etc), type Yahoo mail on the search box and the result will pop out. Click on the Mail with the Purple Yahoo icon to download and install.

Having installed the app on your mobile device, kindly refer back to the steps to Yahoo mail sign up using any browser above to create and register your new Yahoo mail account.

Once you have successfully completed the process in yahoo mail sign up, the next agenda is to sign in to the newly created yahoo mail account.

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How to Sign in to your Yahoo mail account

The following guidelines would help you successfully sign in to your yahoo mail account

Sign In Yahoo Mail Account Using the Yahoo Mail app 

Navigate to the application installed in your phone and click on it. Type in your Yahoo mail user name or mobile number in the box provided for you. Then click on ‘next’.

Enter your secured password the column provided for you and then click on ‘Next’, you would be automatically signed in to your yahoo mail account.

Sign in Yahoo Mail Account Using the Yahoo Mail Website 

From the homepage on any internet broswer of your choice, go the official the yahoo mail website. or click here

Type in your newly created yahoo mail account user name or email address, you can also use the mobile number you provided when registering your account. Click on ‘Next’.

Enter your secured password in the next colum and click on Next, you be directed to the homepage of your yahoo mail account.

In the case of forgetten password, see steps to recover and re-access your Yahoo Mail account below.

How to Recover Yahoo Mail Password

The steps to recover your yahoo mail password are as follows:

From the hompage of any internet browser, navigate to the yahoo mail offical website.

Type in your yahoo mail account username and click on ‘next’, click on ‘forget password’.

You would be directed to a new page and you would be asked if you have access to the phone number you registeered your account with, if you do you need to verify the number by putting in the misssing numbers of yur phone number. once you do that click on ‘submit’ but if you dont have access to the phone number click on ‘i dont have access’.

If you do not have access you would be directed to the next page were you have to choose an option from two options shown to you

  • Call premium customer care
  • Visit our free help site

However if you have access to the phone number you would be required to fill in some missing numbers from the mobile number, once you have done that click on ‘submit’. You would be directed to the next page were you would be asked if you have the phone with for a verification code, if you do click on ‘yes, send me a code’.

A character verification code would be sent to the mobile number, write out the code in the provided column and click on ‘verify’.

You would be asked to create a new password. Once you have sucessfuly created a new and secured password click on ‘continue’,

You have successfuly recovered your forgotten password.

For more inquiry on Yahoo Mail Sign Up / Yahoo Mail Registeration / Yahoo Mail Sign in / Yahoomail Password recovery, leave a comment below at the comment section.

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